The Words

God is Love. Such a simple message, often lost or buried behind prejudice and culture and economics. This site is established to proclaim, amid the noise and haste, that My God Is Not A Bully.

We open this platform for your stories of God's love and care. On the video page you can watch and hear the stories of others who walked this road before. On the upload page you can add your video and/or printed story to the chorus of wondrous voices speaking one truth, God is love, not a bully.

This website is dedicated to the collection and sharing of stories. Some stores will strike the hearer as profound and powerful. Some stories will break the heart of the storyteller. Some stories will seem fun, cute, meaningful, contrived, painful, sweet, tough, honest, over-dramatized, courageous, and more.

The only guarantee we will offer about these stories is that they are yours, hearer and teller, a shared and diverse reality, even if only for the moments you visit this site.